If you have an error while trying to pay, try to contact the payment's service directly, which should be Paymentwall in most of the cases.
If you encounter an issue with your purchase of points or you have an error during your purchase, you will need to contact PaymentWall. Some payment methods may take several minutes to be confirmed. However, after a reasonable time, you don't have your points you can contact our PaymentWall custom service at the following address support@paymentwall.com.
Alternatively, you can contact them using your PaymentWall account at this address https://www.paymentwall.com/en/contacts.
The support will give you an answer within 48 hours.
We're sorry but our payment services cannot provide SMS payments to every countries. You can still use Paypal or Credit card payments!
PaymentWall always try to optimize the payment methods, and sometimes some might disapear due to contracts having an expiration dates in all countries. If they can't renew it, the payment method will disapear.
Make sure that you have a free slot on your character's bag, If you did and still don't have your items, contact our shop support!
- You must have bought a minimum of 100 Firestorm Points.
- There will be a 30% commission charged on the sale price.
- If you select the highlight character option, the commission will be increased to 45%.
- The character must have at least a game time of more than 2 days.
- The minimum price for sale is based on the character.
- During the sale process, your character will not be accessible in-game.
- You can remove your character from being for sale at any time, provided that it hasn't been purchased yet.
- Once the character is sold, it's final. You will not be able to claim or retrieve your character back.
- The items of the character (bags, banks, etc). will be displayed on the armory of the character.
- Account-wide mounts are not sold with the character.
- Player vs. Player titles are not sold with the character.
- The characters arena rating and MMR will be reset. It will also be removed from any arena team, and guild.
- The characters money and the prestige level will be reset.
- The characters void storage will be reset (any item in the void storage isn't copied).
To copy your characters to another expansion, you should go to "Manage your Characters" section in the Shop after selecting the Expansion and the Realm of your character. Then choose the character you want to copy. Note that once you have copied this character, you won't be able to copy it again, regardless of the time spent.
You will see a list of available expansions as icons. Click on the desired expansion and select the realm below. If you copy the character to Legion, gold will not be copied, but transferred, and the cap is 200,000 gold coins. In all other expansions, the gold will be capped at 50,000 gold coins. When copying to Legion, the transferred gold will be subtracted from the original character, up to 200,000 gold coins.
The first copy is free. The remaining copies will cost Firestorm points (or loyalty points, depending on your election). Please note that copies may take up to 24 hours. If after 24 hours, the character didn't appear in the chose expansion, please create a ticket in the Firestorm Shop Support.